Friday, January 21, 2011

Computer Applications II Wrap-Up

The Digital Divide

The final project for this class opened my eyes up to a universal problem that the entire world is experiencing. The Digital Divide. There is a distinct and serious divide between people that sufficiently know how to operate computers, miscellaneous electronics, and other digital media in this day and age. There is a shockingly high percentage of people across the world that are have little or no resources that connect them to the digital world. This project allowed me to focus on the socio-economic factors that conclusively contributes the biggest deficit in the digital divide. Many people are held back due to lack of money, community resources, training, and in some extreme cases, electricity. From this project, I have grasped a better understanding of the problem the world faces today. I have developed my own personal perspective on how to effectively solve the digital divide in certain circumstances. There are some other problems that are related to the digital divide that must be addressed before a solution can be reached. Such as, countries maintaining a safe and productive government, and governments providing sufficient resources such as HOMES and ELECTRICITY. After these issues are addressed, then the movement to close the digital divide in predominately 3rd world countries can progress, along with the other levels of the digital divide. 

1. Grasping the concept of the digital divide and being able understand how my community relates to the gap that exist today. I can take my basic understanding of the digital divide and when I enter college, I can start my own independent study to help find better solutions and plans to the bridge the gap. 

2. Exploring the expansion of the social networking world and the impact that it is creating on the modern world. Social Networking is a major development in the 21st century and in the coming years may be a large part of our everyday lives. Having the opportunity to explore and study the movement gives me a great leg up on the rest of the world. 

3. The exploration of the Wikipedia topic was one of the most interesting points in the course. Wikipedia is one of the most controversial topics that come up in between students and teachers today. This class allowed me to sharpen my Wiki researching skills.