Userful MultiSeat Linux 2011™ is computer software that allows users to share one desktop CPU with multiple users and still have the ability to take full advantage of the computers capabilities. The computers are helping bridge the digital divide gap that exists today in our world. These computers are deployed and are used in rural and urban areas where there are limited resources and even more limited funds for computers and other technological and educational tools. The Userful MultiSeat Linux 2011™ computers can help close the gap in the digital divide because they are low in cost all around the board, so the computer cuts the excuses for lack of funds to purchase the computers. The computers are being currently used in India, Brazil, and Canada in schools to help educate students, and help build useful and effective computer skills for the future. Being that the Userful MultiSeat Linux 2011™ computer can host multiple users, the computer can operate flawlessly without a problem. The computer offers the same quality of graphics that any other single user desktop can offer someone at the same performance level. This computer is a revolution and extreme help to the growing digital divide that is increasingly growing around the world. This computer allows the underprivileged to have access to the same resources that anyone has around the world. I predict that the Userful MultiSeat Linux 2011™ computer will be circulating and in use around the world in the year or two. The capabilities that the system offers cannot be matched and still are able to offer all that the Userful MultiSeat Linux 2011™ can! I also believe that Apple and Microsoft will begin to invest in the technology very soon, if not already developing software like such!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
8 Year Old Boy Kills Himself With an Micro Uzi
It has come to the point in today's society that men take their 8 year old sons to gun shows and allow their children to shoot guns, and inevitably kill themselves in the outcome. A man in Boston, Massachusetts is going to court to sue the owner of the gun show for the death of his son. What has happened to common sense? Has it come to the point were people are seriously blaming others for their negligence. A man voluntarily attends a gun show with his 8 year old son and allows him to operate a machine gun that he perceived to be small enough for the child to operate, and the child, not surprisingly, isn't able to handle the weapon and shoots himself in the head. One would think that the father would have the common sense to take up for the responsibility of putting the gun in his sons hands and taking the fall for his child's death. But obviously, the father does not have the integrity to face the wrongs that he is responsible for as a man. The justice system in the US has always interested me in the cases that they bring to the high courts and try. It seems as time moves on the cases get more and more ridiculous and outrageous. From my perspective, America is going down the wrong road towards justice. Something has to been done soon! Or else!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
J. Cole: The Coming of The Future
Straight from Fayetteville, North Carolina, Jermaine Cole is the coming of the new generation of the Hip-Hop game. With the recent release of is long awaited mix-tape: Friday Night Lights, J. Cole has opened the eyes up of many of the top rappers in the game. Signed under Roc-Nation; Cole is seen as the next holder of the throne as the best behind Jay-Z. Sort of a protegee J.Cole is to Jay-Z. Many people dismiss this statement because of the relationship that Kanye West has with H.O.V., but many fail t understand that West cannot follow in the footsteps of Jay-Z. Kanye West has already surpassed the level that Jay-Z set has set in the industry. Kanye surpasses so many rappers in so many categories, that he sets himself apart from any of the rappers in the industry today. J. Cole on the other hand, does not posses the creative and artistic abilities that Kanye has and brings to his music. But he does have some of the same capabilities in the creation of his own music. Cole produces the majority of his tracks like Kanye, and still at the same tie possess the complex lyrical game that many rappers cannot bring to the table. J. Cole fits perfectly in the shoes of Jay-Z he has sort of the same style in his work, his lyrical content is just as sophisticated as Jay-Z and his complexity in his delivery is almost unmatched. J. Cole is someone that can be seen at the top of the rap game in the next 2-3 years. Possibly on top of things running to be the best once H.O.V steps down.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
DC: Hotspot for Restaurants
For reasons unknown to myself and me being a native Washingtonian; DC is slowly becoming a hotspot for restaurants in the Eastern Market and Capitol Hill neighborhoods inside of the city. Their has been a very large influx in the number of food businesses that has opened in the District in the last few years. Capitol Hill is increasingly becoming a more residential neighborhood as congress continues to grow and flourish in the District. It may be due to the gentrification that the city is undergoing or just a random influx in restaurant entrepreneurs in the area. Many of the restaurant owners are famous and well established Chef's that have partnerships and owned restaurant franchises. The businesses have been flourishing the few past years down on the Hill. People in the neighborhoods are attracted to the family friendly businesses and many of the prestigious owners specifically tailored their businesses to their liking and not to their competitors standards. Unfortunately, many of these businesses are not located in predominately minority neighborhoods, therefore depriving certain classes of people in the district from the experience. Tisk, tisk!
Mixtapes have been apart of the music culture for as long as I can remember. They have become a norm in the Hip-Hop industry since the beginning of Hip-Hop. These past few years have been some of the best years that Mix-tapes have hit the market and actually made a statement in the music game. It has been a few years since the declaration by historic lyricists NaS that "Hip-Hop is Dead".
Wale as been one of the more contributing artist to the rebuttal of the statement that "Hip-Hop is Dead". With his release of his two mix-tapes, The Mixtape About Nothing and More About Nothing. These two tapes were proof to the Hip-Hop world that is Hip-Hop isn't dead, but has just been awaiting the arrival of fresh new breed artists'. J. Cole's release of his highly anticipated mixtape Friday Night Lights, came to no surprise for his following and the hundreds of thousands of fans that he gained with the classic tape. Other artists' such as Big Sean and Cyhi The Prince have also hit the mixtape circuit pretty hard with their latest releases and persistent work with other artists, such as Kanye West.
Outside of the mixtape world, Kanye West and Nicki Minaj's albums have dropped within the last week and have SOARED to the top of the charts, with Kanye's album going platinum in the first week!
Wale as been one of the more contributing artist to the rebuttal of the statement that "Hip-Hop is Dead". With his release of his two mix-tapes, The Mixtape About Nothing and More About Nothing. These two tapes were proof to the Hip-Hop world that is Hip-Hop isn't dead, but has just been awaiting the arrival of fresh new breed artists'. J. Cole's release of his highly anticipated mixtape Friday Night Lights, came to no surprise for his following and the hundreds of thousands of fans that he gained with the classic tape. Other artists' such as Big Sean and Cyhi The Prince have also hit the mixtape circuit pretty hard with their latest releases and persistent work with other artists, such as Kanye West.
Outside of the mixtape world, Kanye West and Nicki Minaj's albums have dropped within the last week and have SOARED to the top of the charts, with Kanye's album going platinum in the first week!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Apple iPad Review
Apple iPad |
The new Apple iPad is the new technological sensation of the year 2010! The iPad is in a total category of it's own. There is no multi-media device that exists on the market today that can match or even compare to the iPad. No device combines a e-reader, mobile photo frame, the untouched Apple app-store, ultra iPod, Netbook, 3G wireless capabilities, plus more. According to CNET editor's review, the iPad is a touch screen tablet computer. The iPad comes in three models a 16G for $499, 32G for $599, and a 64G for $729; all that run on a combination of Wi-Fi and 3G wireless networks. The iPad can be personally customized for the user. Whether someone uses the iPad for business, leisure/entertainment, or health purposes, the iPad gets the job done.
The iPad has many positive aspects such as its 9.7-inch capacitive touch screen with IPS technology exceptional viewing angles, which also gives users . The long lasting battery that can last up to 10 hours of continuous use. The iPad also offers a program for the visually impaired that has translations in over 21 languages. And a cool option of connecting a full keyboard to the device through the standard Apple 30-pin port. On the other hand the iPad does not have the full HD capabilities that one wold expect from such a technologically advanced gadget. The iPad also only offers its 3G service through AT&T's network, which can propose a very inconvenient obstacle to non-AT&T customers.
I like to think of myself as a savvy technologically advanced consumer of multimedia and electronica devices. In my personal use of the iPad, I thought the device handled pretty well. The iPad still has the familiarity as the IPhone and the iPod touch. There isn't anything new about the iPad that a experienced Apple consumer wouldn't ready be familiar with. The iPad does have a very large screen that brings a beautiful enhanced graphics, but could pose a obstacle or challenge for the person "on-the-go". One wouldn't want to pull the 9.7-inch screen out in a public setting that would pose a danger to the safety of the device and it's owner. The iPad overall is a "awesomely sweet" device that I would recommend to anyone that lives there life in the fast-lane and on-the-go, and could take full advantage of the portability and performance of the device. I give the Apple iPad 5 stars!
-K. M. Miles
Today's Respect for Women
I'm using this blog post as a venting and self expressive tool to clear what's been on my mind for the last fews weeks:
I find it more and more prevalent today in society, specially among the youth that there has become a very low standard for the level of respect that a woman receives and deserves. I see it everyday in people's behavior and character, the level of respect they have for women. It is all to common for the word "bitch" or other derogatory slurs to be used among young men to refer to women. Over the years there has been a decline in the presence of the male figure in the home with young boys, and now more commonly popular, mothers are not being good examples of respectable women in the home. If a boy is raised where he doesn't have the proper guidance from an authoritative male figure, and the head female of the home isn't reinforcing the values, the child id destined to adapt any values/bad habits he pick up from peers. It is highly important that males develop the respect for women at a young age and uphold the moral values that they learn and pass it on to the next generation! We can't have a generation of males disrespecting our women!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Is There. . .
In a recent conversation with a friend the question of God came up and she expressed to me that often questions God's existence. And the conversation lead to me expressing my ideas about my belief in Allah and how I felt about the actual concept of the existence. After I got off of the phone I thought to myself for a moment and dismissed the thought, but later on that night I found myself thinking about the concept once more.
I believe there comes a time in everyone's life where they may question the existence of a actual higher power and what they may actually believe in as far as religion. Religion is a private expression of one's beliefs and it can be handled privately, or there are resources for those that would like guidance/help in making their decision in the higher power. I found for myself that I have come to be a very faithful person to what I believe in and have no problem in questioning the existence of Allah. I believe it is human nature and part of the development of the critical mind to question such things. Religion is a "touchy" subject and can strengthen some people's faith, and sometimes the discussion of religion can be intimidating. Some people may fear their higher power to the point where it may seem disrespectful to question His existence.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
"Why this 2010 election is significant"
This upcoming election is very important in determining how the structure of the American government will work in the next few years, and how successful President Obama will be in his presidency. This is a very critical point in American politics! President Obama was elected in 2008 and swept congress with the Democratic party. There were many high hopes set and sold for the first democratic African-American President. After coming out of the 8 year Bush administration people wanted a change, and Obama was suppose to be the man for that job.
President Obama has faced some tough trials in the White House and still has 2 years to make progress and potentially get re-elected. So far he has bailed out numerous banks on Wall Street, consolidated and bailed out the automotive industry in the US, tried to pass a universal health care bill that got chopped by the Republicans, and some other half achieved goals. In the end, Americans are really on the edge of their seat about the President and his capabilities as the Commander and Chief of the US.
The 2010 mid-term congressional election is very important in determining the power that the the President and the democrats will have in the next 2-6 years coming in congress. It is a very possible chance that American could end up with a Divided Government at the close of the ballots on Nov 2, 2010. Which would pose a very difficult challenge for the Democrats and President Obama and his presidential agenda.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Evolution of Technology
The constant evolution of technology is forever changing out lives and technology itself! The web as we know barley exists without being attributed to Google or applications that provide direct services for technological users. Applications are the new way of technological communication and service! The days of typing web addresses into web browsers are slowly fading away as I write this blog. In my words the Internet can be summed up into the use of mobile applications and the mass use of Google services!
Social networks are now becoming connected with the Google and, many services that are offered on the web have some type of relationship with Google. YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world and is in collaboration with Google. YouTube and Google have a untouched monopoly on the technological industry.
I personally prefer Facebook, Twiitter, and Email as my main source of communication over the Internet! These 3 interfaces allow me to communicate instantly with my friends, family, and associates. They are easy to use and allow me to stay in contact with a vast array of people, that would usually pose a challenge staying contact with!
With the continuous advancements in technology, I believe that technology will be beyond comprehension! The way things are progressing with technology, it is too soon to predict the coming the next generations technological devices and services!
Understanding Women
As a growing young man that has been engaged in the courtship of women for about 6-7 years now, I have gradually conducted my own personal study of women. My study focusing on the behavior of women, more specifically focused toward females in their adolescent and early adulthood years. This blog post is only a mere summarization of the actual data that I have gathered first hand.
The first thing a young man needs to have when pursuing a female is uniqueness, or commonly referred to as "Swagg" or, more prevalent with the members of the Cloud IX conglomerate, "Stilo". Every man should have his own personality, style, genre of speech, and all of the other contributing factors needed to develop and create a idea Gentleman. In this point in time, being or having the qualities that a Gentleman possess is very rare. Many females don't expect a man to have the proper skills when dealing with a ideal woman. Skills such as proper manners, compassion, romantic rhetoric, etc. That's why it is ESSENTIAL for one to have the proper "Stilo" needed when dealing with women. Of course no woman is the same, but they do all share common similarities that can be connected and used to ones advantage!
There is a plethora of information that can be gained on the understanding of woman from a psychological view point. I offer and deliver my expertise from a urban perspective.
Next week's blog will cover the information needed to understand how women behave with certain men.
The first thing a young man needs to have when pursuing a female is uniqueness, or commonly referred to as "Swagg" or, more prevalent with the members of the Cloud IX conglomerate, "Stilo". Every man should have his own personality, style, genre of speech, and all of the other contributing factors needed to develop and create a idea Gentleman. In this point in time, being or having the qualities that a Gentleman possess is very rare. Many females don't expect a man to have the proper skills when dealing with a ideal woman. Skills such as proper manners, compassion, romantic rhetoric, etc. That's why it is ESSENTIAL for one to have the proper "Stilo" needed when dealing with women. Of course no woman is the same, but they do all share common similarities that can be connected and used to ones advantage!
There is a plethora of information that can be gained on the understanding of woman from a psychological view point. I offer and deliver my expertise from a urban perspective.
Next week's blog will cover the information needed to understand how women behave with certain men.
What Technology Can Do For A Life
Technology has become more and more a part of our everyday lives and in some special cases, technology has improves the quality of life for some. In the case of Owen Cain, a 7 year old boy who is severely disabled, the iPad has improved his life remarkably! The iPad has been used in many cases for people that have special needs. Individuals with speech, mental, and physical disabilities have used the iPad to improve their lives. Technology has been the main focus of my Computer Applications II class this school year, and this article is a prime example of the progress technology has had on the 21st century. The designers of the iPad probably would have thought that the iPad would be used for medical purposes, and in the end help improve the lives of thousands.
There aren't many multimedia devices designed for those with disabilities and special needs, and the iPad has become one of the few devices that actually can be used for medical purposes. Technology continues to make our lives better everyday and as consumers we must take advantage of the technological advances and make positive progress for in search for better life!
Gentrification In DC
America: Always Into Something!
Once again, the US has got it's nose and hands into another conflict in the world. I have never understood why the US feels that they must take the role of the international Superman and must save the world from everything. The US is always into some other countries business instead of taking of the serious problems that they already have. With the severity of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US doesn't need to be near any other international conflict. The US has now has interfered with the conflict between China and Japan over some Islands in the South China Sea. The conflict started with the Japan detaining the captain of a Chinese fishing boat for ramming or colliding with Japanese patrol boats. The tension between the Japan and China has continually grown with the dispute over the islands. Secretary of State Hillary Rodman Clinton has spent some time in Asia discussing the issue with the two countries. In my personal opinion, the US needs to worry about there own problems before interfering in other disputes that have nothing to do with US's well being!
Behind The Scenes: Producing
As a amateur producer, I always find myself learning new things about the music business. Many people underestimate the importance of the individuals behind the scenes in the production and entertainment industry. People think that entertainers do everything themselves and forget about the people that work to make the entertainer who they are. I know for a fact when people listen to a song on the radio or at a concert, they dont think about the hours the band or the producer put into creating and perfecting that song. As a producer, I know first hand the problems that producers have when trying to create a new track. Its not as simple as sitting down at a computer and just putting a classic and awesome track together. It takes the most time to get the initial idea for the song together. Then countless hours trying to find the right instruments and plug-ins, and then finally arranging the song to perfections. Personally, I can never sit down in one session and create a track perfectly. I have to sit down get my initial idea out and come back with more ideas and add on to the base of the track. For producers like Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, Ryan Leslie, Sledgren, Just Blaze and many more; with their level of expertise creating a track in one day c an be a breeze. But at the end of the day, music is music. Kanye West has beats that have taken more than a year to finish, and he's one of the industries best.
And one more note to behind the scenes producing. . . There is ALWAYS something to buy for producing or studios!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Cable Providers V. Networks
I have always wondered when cable providers and networks would clash with each other, and they would engage in petty business dealings. Well. . It has happened finally in New York City with the cable company Cablevision and the Fox network. Negotiations between the two companies reached a stalemate and Cablevision acted with the move of actually cutting millions of viewers from the Fox network earl Saturday! Negotiations continued today with the two companies, with Fox hoping for a resolution as soon as possible.
I thought that the move by the cable provider was justified and within all reasoning. It goes back to simple business practices, if the client does pay the bill or agree to the new terms of the agreement, then the business reserves the right to cut the services to the client! Point blank! Business is business! And Fox network should know that better than anyone in the mass-media business!
G.O.O.D. Friday's
Yezzy! Kanye West being the ingenious innovator that his naturally is, has made another profound mark on the music game! He has stated that every Friday until the release of his new album on December 25th, he will release a song/collaboration EVERY Friday until the album drops. Kanye has took the music game to higher levels in SO many ways, and this grand display of talent has taken music to another degree! To release a song every Friday on a consistent basis for about 3 months, is one of the greatest displays of talent in the Hip-Hop game! Along with the songs, Kanye has chosen some unique artwork for the track covers of the songs! many are products of famous American artists! The consistency fro West never seizes to stop! Kanye West is currently the face of "backpack"/"skateboard" Hip-Hop Rap! Along with artists like Pharrel Williams, Wale, Kid Cudi, Big Sean, Wiz Khalifa, Drake, Lupe Fiasco, and other non-mainstream artists; such as Jay.Tee, Hollow, King Tez, D-Will, PRETTYro!, and Georgetown Joe! |
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Senior Year S T R E S S !
Never have I ever been so stressed with my school work before in my high school career!!!
Senior year is no joke! There is always something that needs to be done. Whether its actual work, college applications, or something that's just school related! My time management skills this year are far better than any year before, but for me to stay on top of my work, I have to be precise with my time. This past week has really been stressful. I'm one of the only seniors in my class that doesn't take the senior seminar course. Which in return places me extremely behind in my work for the college application process. I have to complete everything on my own, were the majority of my classmates get class time to complete the same assignments.
On top of my time management problems, I on took on a heavy course load this year! Advanced placement US Government and English: Literature & Composition, with honors Pre-Calculus and Physics! The work for the class I was surprised to learn is not that difficult. With good time management, I can actually successfully handle the load.
Being a senior this year has really opened my eyes to what the future really holds. Within a few months I'll be leaving for college and starting another phase of my life. The decisions I make now concerning my education can affect my future significantly! For that reason I have promised myself to stay committed to my work and do my best to receive the best grades possible. My plans for the future depend on my performance this next few months in school! Its crunch time!
Is The Internet Making Us Dumb?
I believe that the Internet is not necessarily making people dumber, but that technology is taking away from the interpersonal social skills that people naturally develop. In the 21st century and with the advancement of technology as the years goes on, technology is becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives. Technology is incorporated in our lives in places where we do not even realize them. To state that technology is making people dumb is a very bias and radical statement. Looking at the issue from a different perspective, one can defend the point that the Internet and technology can be used as a efficient tool for learning. The Internet has provided modern day society with MILLIONS of opportunities and resources for accessing information all over the world. The Internet has literally transformed how people live their life day to day. But, one could also state that, the Internet has disabled individuals from using their basic human communication skills. The level of usage of the Internet is unmeasurable! People can use the Internet to accomplish basically about anything today. From paying bills, to grocery shopping! The Internet has become a physical part of people's lives with the numerous advantages, but on the other hand, their are very severe affects of being heavily dependent on the Internet! The Internet has contributed to the declining popularity in not reading books, and has created a new generation of people that don't rely on reading as their main source of education. Reading is essential to developing the critical and analytical skills that people need to function as normal and successful individuals. I disagree that the Internet is making people dumb, but I do concur that the Internet has caused a major decline in reading and interpersonal skills. Skills that would have developed normally if not for the presence and handicap of the Internet.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Atlanta Pastor Accused of Sex Claims
I was reading the New York Times online this morning and came across this article about this pastor Eddie Long down in Atlanta. I find it quite disrespectful to the Christian faith, that there continue to be occurrences such as these with in the religion. I cannot understand why the press would publicize an issue as serious and embarrassing as these situations are. I only chose to blog about this article because I found it interesting. If anyone could please offer any opinions or logical reasons to why this is a reoccurring issue within the religion, it would be very appreciated.
From my personal knowledge, I do not know of or have not heard of any instances within Islam that can relate to this circumstance. From prior knowledge, this may be the first time that I have been aware of a circumstance such as this happening in the Black church.
The DC New Balance Mystic. . . ??
For about as long as I can remember, New Balance has been the unofficial designated shoe for the city of Washington, DC for about 25 years. Just like any and every American city, there is always a popularized shoe or certain type of fashion that is sported by the majority of city. For Washington, DC, New Balance has been the sole provider for the signature District shoe. For DC it happens to be a special and rare opportunity, that the District happens to be the only city in America that casually sports New Balance as a city wide fashion fad. For many cities like New York, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, and all of the other major metropolitan cities; shoes like the Nike Air Force One are very common.
From the information that I have gathered from native Washingtonians, DC has always had it's on style for as long as they could remember. There is something about Washington, DC that sets apart from every other city in America. To be a city with a little over a half of a million citizens, DC has a very distinct uniqueness that other cities lack.
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NB 574. . Highly popular in the mid and late 90's. |
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NB 1300. . Popular in the late 90's and early 2000's. |
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NB 993. . Classic and the official shoe for the District. Has been sported every since the early 90's. |
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NB 1700. . |
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NB 580. . Made famous by the great Kanye West, adopted by the great city of Washington. |
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Who Steals Bricks?
I was skimming through the NY Times today, and I stumbled upon this article about how bricks are being stolen in St. Louis. I was kind of confused and interested at the same time, so I proceeded to read the article. The article went into detail about how it has become a major problem for the city to stop brick harvesters. Thieves illegally harvest the historically precious St. Louis bricks by setting fire to entire buildings, and removing the bricks, selling them down south for $100 per a palette of 500.
I thought that this article goes to show the extent of the American recession that has plagued the nation. People are resorting to stealing bricks and burning buildings to provide for their families and keep their businesses running. The American economy is in a terrible position for small business owners and low class citizens. The poor people are always affected first by national finical difficulties. If people are resorting to burning buildings now, what's to happen in the next few months or years if the crisis does not improve anytime soon?
Im my opinion, American has more problems to worry about than people stealing bricks. If things continue on he path that they are on. The robbing of armored cars, banks, and homes will be more of an issue than some old bricks. With all of the technology and resources that the US retains, I believe that America is more than capable of pulling itself out of the whole it has dug.
Whats's F R E S H ?
Fresh is defined as being one that is up-to-date on the latest urban fashions, more importantly being one that keeps up with the latest K I C K S. There is a V E R Y distinctive difference between being Fresh and having the title and respect of being F L Y. Being Fresh focuses more on shoes than anything else dealing with the fashion. The basis of being considered Fresh is based solely on ones "Shoe Game". The other contributing factors to be considered Fresh are having good judgement on denim, watches, tops, and hats. Having on the wrong jeans, shirt or sweater can totally ruin the integrity of a outfit.
Who and what's considered Fresh varies on where you are in the world. More specifically in the US, the standards for what's Fresh can vary state to state or city or city. Sometimes the difference can be very menial, others they can be on totally different levels Here are some examples:
Next weeks blog will focus on the elements of being Fly.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Worldwide Qur'an Burning Controversy In Florida
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Bismillah Rahman ir-Raheem |
In the past recent weeks there has been a massive wave of attention turned toward the U.S. in concern for a pastor in Gainesville, Florida, who had allegedly planned to burn more than 200 copies of The Holy Qur'an. Terry Jones is a pastor of a small church in Florida, and claimed about two weeks ago that he was planning to burn copies of the Qur'an in commemoration of the September 11 attacks. Mr. Jones attracted the attention of President Obama, many celebrities, and other significant political officials all over the world; that expressed their opinions and denounced Mr. Jones's actions. Despite the criticism that Mr. Jones received, he still continued his plans with the burning up in till Thursday; where he announced that he was postponing the burning, because he was in negotiations with Islamic leaders. The burning was later cancelled, Mr. Jones stated, "We feel that God is telling us to stop,".
I personally feel that Terry Jones is a perfect example of the ignorance that fuels the hostility and misunderstanding towards Islam in the US. This whole fiasco was a publicity stunt in my personal opinion. Terry Jones wanted some public attention to stir up things for Muslims before the anniversary of 9/11. Making the situation worse, Eid Al-Fitr started thursday, to celebrate the ending of the month of Ramadan. One of the most important holidays that exists in Islam. Terry Jones is a severely ignorant individual that has cased more wrath than he even knows! He has caused the death of two Muslims over in the Middle East, and has possibly drawn more terrorist attention toward the US.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Who Am I?!
My name is Ke'von Miles, and/or Khalifah Abdul-Nafi. I am currently 16 years of age, and I reside in Washington, DC. I was born and raised in the District, in the NW quadrant of the city. As a young fellow I attended The Art's & Technology Academy, where I developed my love and passion for the Art's. My attraction and diligence toward music allowed me to attended The Levine School of Music, and also opened many opportunities for me to advance in my musical studies.
I like to consider myself to be a Urban Renaissance Man & Gentleman. I have many interests such as religion, sports, music, photography, literature, politics, street/urban philosophy and sociology, fashion, women's studies, and many others. I have extensive knowledge in street/urban philosophy and sociology, music, women's studies, and religion. Music is my passion and main hobby. I play a plethora of musical instruments, and in the past year, I have become more involved and skilled with digital audio production.
Simply, My current focuses in life right now are to stay focused in my school work, stay committed and become more skillful at my music, try not to become a statistic, and enjoy my last few years of adolescence. Becoming a successful Black Man and making a difference in my community is very important to me. Thus, motivating me to do the best in everything I attempt.
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