Fresh is defined as being one that is up-to-date on the latest urban fashions, more importantly being one that keeps up with the latest K I C K S. There is a V E R Y distinctive difference between being Fresh and having the title and respect of being F L Y. Being Fresh focuses more on shoes than anything else dealing with the fashion. The basis of being considered Fresh is based solely on ones "Shoe Game". The other contributing factors to be considered Fresh are having good judgement on denim, watches, tops, and hats. Having on the wrong jeans, shirt or sweater can totally ruin the integrity of a outfit.
Who and what's considered Fresh varies on where you are in the world. More specifically in the US, the standards for what's Fresh can vary state to state or city or city. Sometimes the difference can be very menial, others they can be on totally different levels Here are some examples:
Pharrel Williams - Virginia Beach
Pharrel focuses more on the overall look of his outfit. Every element is balanced from the fitted, watch, and shoes. Individuals in he Virginia Beach are heavily influenced by the Skateboard look, that is famously styled y Pharrel. |
Wale - Washington D.C.
Wale is a someone that focuses more on the shoes of his outfit. His outfit isn't to complicated, not much care put into the coordination of the accessories. But not much is need to compliment the $200 Kicks he's sporting! |
Wiz Khalifa - Pittsburgh
Wiz Khalifa focuses on the coordination of his entire outfit. The shoes are cool and simple. But the overall look is what he is shooting for. Skateboarder/Backpacker/Roamer. Classic! |
Big Sean - Detroit
Big Sean is a perfect example of someone that focuses on the overall aspect of his outfit. The classic retro Jordans are the most important part of the outfit. The royal blue jeans are a little much for my personal taste, but is highly favored in the Mid-West. Classic! |
Next weeks blog will focus on the elements of being Fly.
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