Monday, November 22, 2010

Apple iPad Review

Apple iPad
The new Apple iPad is the new technological sensation of the year 2010! The iPad is in a total category of it's own. There is no multi-media device that exists on the market today that can match or even compare to the iPad. No device combines a e-reader, mobile photo frame, the untouched Apple app-store, ultra iPod, Netbook, 3G wireless capabilities, plus more. According to CNET editor's review, the iPad is a touch screen tablet computer. The iPad comes in three models a 16G for $499, 32G for $599, and a 64G for $729; all that run on a combination of Wi-Fi and 3G wireless networks. The iPad can be personally customized for the user. Whether someone uses the iPad for business, leisure/entertainment, or health purposes, the iPad gets the job done. 

The iPad has many positive aspects such as its 9.7-inch capacitive touch screen with IPS technology exceptional viewing angles, which also gives users . The long lasting battery that can last up to 10 hours of continuous use. The iPad also offers a program for the visually impaired that has translations in over 21 languages. And a cool option of connecting a full keyboard to the device through the standard Apple 30-pin port. On the other hand the iPad does not have the full HD capabilities that one wold expect from such a technologically advanced gadget. The iPad also only offers its 3G service through AT&T's network, which can propose a very inconvenient obstacle to non-AT&T customers. 

I like to think of myself as a savvy technologically advanced consumer of multimedia and electronica devices. In my personal use of the iPad, I thought the device handled pretty well. The iPad still has the familiarity as the IPhone and the iPod touch. There isn't anything new about the iPad that a experienced Apple consumer wouldn't ready be familiar with. The iPad does have a very large screen that brings a beautiful enhanced graphics, but could pose a obstacle or challenge for the person "on-the-go". One wouldn't want to pull the 9.7-inch screen out in a public setting that would pose a danger to the safety of the device and it's owner. The iPad overall is a "awesomely sweet" device that I would recommend to anyone that lives there life in the fast-lane and on-the-go, and could take full advantage of the portability and performance of the device. I give the Apple iPad 5 stars! 

-K. M. Miles

Today's Respect for Women

I'm using this blog post as a venting and self expressive tool to clear what's been on my mind for the last fews weeks: 

 I find it more and more prevalent today in society, specially among the youth that there has become a very low standard for the level of respect that a woman receives and deserves. I see it everyday in people's behavior and character, the level of respect they have for women. It is all to common for the word "bitch" or other derogatory slurs to be used among young men to refer to women. Over the years there has been a decline in the presence of the male figure in the home with young boys, and now more commonly popular, mothers are not being good examples of respectable women in the home. If a boy is raised where he doesn't have the proper guidance from an authoritative male figure, and the head female of the home isn't reinforcing the values, the child id destined to adapt any values/bad habits he pick up from peers. It is highly important that males develop the respect for women at a young age and uphold the moral values that they learn and pass it on to the next generation! We can't have a generation of males disrespecting our women!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Is There. . .

In a recent conversation with a friend the question of God came up and she expressed to me that often questions God's existence. And the conversation lead to me expressing my ideas about my belief in Allah and how I felt about the actual concept of the existence. After I got off of the phone I thought to myself for a moment and dismissed the thought, but later on that night I found myself thinking about the concept once more. 

I believe there comes a time in everyone's life where they may question the existence of a actual higher power and what they may actually believe in as far as religion. Religion is a private expression of one's beliefs and it can be handled privately, or there are resources for those that would like guidance/help in making their decision in the higher power. I found for myself that I have come to be a very faithful person to what I believe in and have no problem in questioning the existence of Allah. I believe it is human nature and part of the development of the critical mind to question such things. Religion is a "touchy" subject and can strengthen some people's faith, and sometimes the discussion of religion can be intimidating. Some people may fear their higher power to the point where it may seem disrespectful to question His existence. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Why this 2010 election is significant"

This upcoming election is very important in determining how the structure of the American government will work in the next few years, and how successful President Obama will be in his presidency. This is a very critical point in American politics! President Obama was elected in 2008 and swept congress with the Democratic party. There were many high hopes set and sold for the first democratic African-American President. After coming out of the 8 year Bush administration people wanted a change, and Obama was suppose to be the man for that job. 

President Obama has faced some tough trials in the White House and still has 2 years to make progress and potentially get re-elected. So far he has bailed out numerous banks on Wall Street, consolidated and bailed out the automotive industry in the US, tried to pass a universal health care bill that got chopped by the Republicans, and some other half achieved goals. In the end, Americans are really on the edge of their seat about the President and his capabilities as the Commander and Chief of the US. 

The 2010 mid-term congressional election is very important in determining the power that the the President and the democrats will have in the next 2-6 years coming in congress. It is a very possible chance that American could end up with a Divided Government at the close of the ballots on Nov 2, 2010. Which would pose a very difficult challenge for the Democrats and President Obama and his presidential agenda.