Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Evolution of Technology

The constant evolution of technology is forever changing out lives and technology itself! The web as we know barley exists without being attributed to Google or applications that provide direct services for technological users. Applications are the new way of technological communication and service! The days of typing web addresses into web browsers are slowly fading away as I write this blog. In my words the Internet can be summed up into the use of mobile applications and the mass use of Google services!

Social networks are now becoming connected with the Google and, many services that are offered on the web have some type of relationship with Google. YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world and is in collaboration with Google. YouTube and Google have a untouched monopoly on the technological industry. 

I personally prefer Facebook, Twiitter, and Email as my main source of communication over the Internet! These 3 interfaces allow me to communicate instantly with my friends, family, and associates. They are easy to use and allow me to stay in contact with a vast array of people, that would usually pose a challenge staying contact with! 

With the continuous advancements in technology, I believe that technology will be beyond comprehension! The way things are progressing with technology, it is too soon to predict the coming the next generations technological devices and services! 

Understanding Women

As a growing young man that has been engaged in the courtship of women for about 6-7 years now, I have gradually conducted my own personal study of women. My study focusing on the behavior of women, more specifically focused toward females in their adolescent and early adulthood years. This blog post is only a mere summarization of the actual data that I have gathered first hand. 

The first thing a young man needs to have when pursuing a female is uniqueness, or commonly referred to as "Swagg" or, more prevalent with the members of the Cloud IX conglomerate, "Stilo". Every man should have his own personality, style, genre of speech, and all of the other contributing factors needed to develop and create a idea Gentleman. In this point in time, being or having the qualities that a Gentleman possess is very rare. Many females don't expect a man to have the proper skills when dealing with a ideal woman. Skills such as proper manners, compassion, romantic rhetoric, etc. That's why it is ESSENTIAL for one to have the proper "Stilo" needed when dealing with women. Of course no woman is the same, but they do all share common similarities that can be connected and used to ones advantage! 

There is a plethora of information that can be gained on the understanding of woman from a psychological view point. I offer and deliver my expertise from a urban perspective.

Next week's blog will cover the information needed to understand how women behave with certain men. 


What Technology Can Do For A Life

Technology has become more and more a part of our everyday lives and in some special cases, technology has improves the quality of life for some. In the case of Owen Cain, a 7 year old boy who is severely disabled, the iPad has improved his life remarkably! The iPad has been used in many cases for people that have special needs. Individuals with speech, mental, and physical disabilities have used the iPad to improve their lives. Technology has been the main focus of my Computer Applications II class this school year, and this article is a prime example of the progress technology has had on the 21st century. The designers of the iPad probably would have thought that the iPad would be used for medical purposes, and in the end help improve the lives of thousands. 

There aren't many multimedia devices designed for those with disabilities and special needs, and the iPad has become one of the few devices that actually can be used for medical purposes. Technology continues to make our lives better everyday and as consumers we must take advantage of the technological advances and make positive progress for in search for better life! 

Gentrification In DC

Gentrification has become a increasingly popular practice in Washington DC in the past 10 years. More prevalent in the NW quadrant of the district. There has been a mass movement of people, predominately Black, from upper NW neighborhoods that they have inhabited for more than 60 years. As of now gentrification has begun in the SE and SW quadrant of the city. Many of the public housing complexes and projects have been demolished and transformed into mixed income townhouses and high rises. DC has has uprooted tens of thousands of native Washingtonian's and moved them outside of the city, the majority of them into the Prince George's County of Maryland. In my personal opinion, the SE and SW quadrants desperately needed the revitalization that the gentrification brought. As for the gentrification of the NW quadrant, only some areas needed the revitalization, such areas like 14th Street and Mt. Vernon. Areas like Columbia Heights, Shaw, NoMA, and Truxton Circle were areas that were targeted by development companies and the District government to move working class/low income Blacks out of the prime real-estate areas, to make room for the influx of "diverse" middle class citizens. My family and many of my friends have become victims of the savage gentrification efforts in the district! 

America: Always Into Something!

Once again, the US has got it's nose and hands into another conflict in the world. I have never understood why the US feels that they must take the role of the international Superman and must save the world from everything. The US is always into some other countries business instead of taking of the serious problems that they already have. With the severity of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US doesn't need to be near any other international conflict. The US has now has interfered with the conflict between China and Japan over some Islands in the South China Sea. The conflict started with the Japan detaining the captain of a Chinese fishing boat for ramming or colliding with Japanese patrol boats. The tension between the Japan and China has continually grown with the dispute over the islands. Secretary of State Hillary Rodman Clinton has spent some time in Asia discussing the issue with the two countries. In my personal opinion, the US needs to worry about there own problems before interfering in other disputes that have nothing to do with US's well being! 

Behind The Scenes: Producing

As a amateur producer, I always find myself learning new things about the music business. Many people underestimate the importance of the individuals behind the scenes in the production and entertainment industry. People think that entertainers do everything themselves and forget about the people that work to make the entertainer who they are. I know for a fact when people listen to a song on the radio or at a concert, they dont think about the hours the band or the producer put into creating and perfecting that song. As a producer, I know first hand the problems that producers have when trying to create a new track. Its not as simple as sitting down at a computer and just putting a classic and awesome track together. It takes the most time to get the initial idea for the song together. Then countless hours trying to find the right instruments and plug-ins, and then finally arranging the song to perfections. Personally, I can never sit down in one session and create a track perfectly. I have to sit down get my initial idea out and come back with more ideas and add on to the base of the track. For producers like Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, Ryan Leslie, Sledgren, Just Blaze and many more; with their level of expertise creating a track in one day c an be a breeze. But at the end of the day, music is music. Kanye West has beats that have taken more than a year to finish, and he's one of the industries best. 

And one more note to behind the scenes producing. . . There is ALWAYS something to buy for producing or studios! 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cable Providers V. Networks

I have always wondered when cable providers and networks would clash with each other, and they would engage in petty business dealings. Well. . It has happened finally in New York  City with the cable company Cablevision and the Fox network. Negotiations between the two companies reached a stalemate and Cablevision acted with the move of actually cutting millions of viewers from the Fox network earl Saturday! Negotiations continued today with the two companies, with Fox hoping for a resolution as soon as possible. 

I thought that the move by the cable provider was justified and within all reasoning. It goes back to simple business practices, if the client does pay the bill or agree to the new terms of the agreement, then the business reserves the right to cut the services to the client! Point blank! Business is business! And Fox network should know that better than anyone in the mass-media business! 

G.O.O.D. Friday's


Kanye West being the ingenious innovator that his naturally is, has made another profound mark on the music game! He has stated that every Friday until the release of his new album on December 25th, he will release a song/collaboration EVERY Friday until the album drops. Kanye has took the music game to higher levels in SO many ways, and this grand display of talent has taken music to another degree! To release a song every Friday on a consistent basis for about 3 months, is one of the greatest displays of talent in the Hip-Hop game! Along with the songs, Kanye has chosen some unique artwork for the track covers of the songs! many are products of famous American artists! The consistency fro West never seizes to stop!

Kanye West is currently the face of "backpack"/"skateboard" Hip-Hop Rap! Along with artists like Pharrel Williams, Wale, Kid Cudi, Big Sean, Wiz Khalifa, Drake, Lupe Fiasco, and other non-mainstream artists; such as Jay.Tee, Hollow, King Tez, D-Will, PRETTYro!, and Georgetown Joe!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Senior Year S T R E S S !

Never have I ever been so stressed with my school work before in my high school career!!!

 Senior year is no joke! There is always something that needs to be done. Whether its actual work, college applications, or something that's just school related! My time management skills this year are far better than any year before, but for me to stay on top of my work, I have to be precise with my time. This past week has really been stressful. I'm one of the only seniors in my class that doesn't take the senior seminar course. Which in return places me extremely behind in my work for the college application process. I have to complete everything on my own, were the majority of my classmates get class time to complete the same assignments. 

On top of my time management problems, I on took on a heavy course load this year! Advanced placement US Government and English: Literature & Composition, with honors Pre-Calculus and Physics! The work for the class I was surprised to learn is not that difficult. With good time management, I can actually successfully handle the load. 

Being a senior this year has really opened my eyes to what the future really holds. Within a few months I'll be leaving for college and starting another phase of my life. The decisions I make now concerning my education can affect my future significantly! For that reason I have promised myself to stay committed to my work and do my best to receive the best grades possible. My plans for the future depend on my performance this next few months in school! Its crunch time! 

Is The Internet Making Us Dumb?

I believe that the Internet is not necessarily making people dumber, but that technology is taking away from the interpersonal social skills that people naturally develop. In the 21st century and with the advancement of technology as the years goes on, technology is becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives. Technology is incorporated in our lives in places where we do not even realize them. To state that technology is making people dumb is a very bias and radical statement. Looking at the issue from a different perspective, one can defend the point that the Internet and technology can be used as a efficient tool for learning. The Internet has provided modern day society with MILLIONS of opportunities and resources for accessing information all over the world. The Internet has literally transformed how people live their life day to day. But, one could also state that, the Internet has disabled individuals from using their basic human communication skills. The level of usage of the Internet is unmeasurable! People can use the Internet to accomplish basically about anything today. From paying bills, to grocery shopping! The Internet has become a physical part of people's lives with the numerous advantages, but on the other hand, their are very severe affects of being heavily dependent on the Internet! The Internet has contributed to the declining popularity in not reading books, and has created a new generation of people that don't rely on reading as their main source of education. Reading is essential to developing the critical and analytical skills that people need to function as normal and successful individuals. I disagree that the Internet is making people dumb, but I do concur that the Internet has caused a major decline in reading and interpersonal skills. Skills that would have developed normally if not for the presence and handicap of the Internet.