Monday, November 15, 2010

Is There. . .

In a recent conversation with a friend the question of God came up and she expressed to me that often questions God's existence. And the conversation lead to me expressing my ideas about my belief in Allah and how I felt about the actual concept of the existence. After I got off of the phone I thought to myself for a moment and dismissed the thought, but later on that night I found myself thinking about the concept once more. 

I believe there comes a time in everyone's life where they may question the existence of a actual higher power and what they may actually believe in as far as religion. Religion is a private expression of one's beliefs and it can be handled privately, or there are resources for those that would like guidance/help in making their decision in the higher power. I found for myself that I have come to be a very faithful person to what I believe in and have no problem in questioning the existence of Allah. I believe it is human nature and part of the development of the critical mind to question such things. Religion is a "touchy" subject and can strengthen some people's faith, and sometimes the discussion of religion can be intimidating. Some people may fear their higher power to the point where it may seem disrespectful to question His existence. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your post. I agree with you on both points... religion is a sensitive and delicate subject with most people and yes being critical and thoughtful about one's faith often makes that faith stronger.

    I have a question for you in light of your experience with your friend... what tools do you/can you use as both a believe in a higher power and as friend for your friends whom you find to be questioning the existence or being of a high power? That is, what can you do to help your friends through that journey of doubt and discovery?

    I ask because I have talked with many people your age who are discouraged by organized religion and/or a belief in a higher power because their questions or doubt is often discouraged and reacted to as just wrong.
